My experience of Dorset Wellbeing

My experience of Dorset Wellbeing

I arrived at Dorset Wellbeing in January 2019 with no formal qualifications or functional skills.  My goal was to achieve as many qualifications as I could, in order to secure a place at college post 16 and a decent job for the future. 

I spent the first year or so working towards my Employability and Development Studies Level 2 vocational qualification, which I have now completed.  This gave me the confidence to be able to work in a commercial kitchen and understand what is required from a food hygiene perspective.

For me to progress to college, it was important that I also obtained a good qualification in maths and English.  However, then the dreaded COVID hit and we all had to isolate for 3 months.  This was particularly hard in terms of learning as we had to switch to Zoom calls for all our classes.  I found learning English remotely ok, but maths was much more challenging. 

Getting back on site and learning face to face was much easier for me particularly where maths was concerned.  The goal was to take Functional Skills Level 1 as a first step, and this was initially scheduled for January 2021.  We worked through the syllabus, and I felt ready to attempt the exam.  However, Lockdown Two hit and were all back at home working and the exam centre closed.  Finally in May 2021, with restrictions easing, the exam centre re-opened, and we were able to sit our Level 1 Maths exam.  By this point, I felt that I was well prepared for the exam although still a little nervous.  After the exam I wasn’t sure whether I had passed but felt I had given it my best shot.  Now the waiting began as it was going to be 2-3 weeks before we got the results. 

After 3 weeks the results came through and I had passed! I was happy that I had passed but I was really keen to progress to Level 2.  I had less than 2 months in which to cram in the Level 2 syllabus as the exam was scheduled for the middle of July.  Because I knew what to expect, I was definitely less nervous about the exam.  I felt it went ok and I was able to answer all the questions.  Now the waiting begins again for the results. 

In the meantime, I have been offered a place at Kingston Maurward college to study construction where I will be starting in September.  I have also managed to secure a part-time job in the local fish and chip shop where I am responsible for everything.

- Written by Young Person, Weymouth, Age 17 -


We’re really proud to say that this young person successfully achieved their Maths Level 2. Well done for all you have achieved!


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