Dorset Wellbeing’s Impact on Me

Dorset Wellbeing's Impact on Me

I started Dorset Wellbeing at the end of the Summer term and, straight away, I felt welcome, which felt really nice as in the past I have struggled to settle in to new places.


On my first day, I went to the Bakery with Alexa, the Learning Mentor, and we made pizza and a Victoria Sponge.  Alexa was there to help when I needed it.  It was nice to take the food we cooked home and to share it with my family.

It was nothing like school, which was good, as I had previously had bad experiences at school.  We were given choices and, if we didn’t want to take part in an activity, we weren’t pushed or shouted at to participate.  Along with the cooking, we could colour in or join in with other activities. 


Because I felt settled straight away, as I wasn’t anxious or left out like in main-stream, this difference helped me gain a lot of confidence and a much more positive mindset.  Dorset Wellbeing has had a positive impact on me and is a great place to be.

- Written by Young Person, Wimborne, Age 15 -


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